I hope that everyone is having a wonderful Ramadan. Selma and I recently got back from a very nice retreat at Shaykh Ahmed Abdur Rasheed's community in Virginia, with Shaykh Rasheed (Naqshbandi-Mujaddidi) and Shaykh Nooruddeen Durkee (Shadhili). Elhamdullillah. We could seriously use another one of those! ;)
I found some pictures that may be interesting. I have not been to either of these places yet, so if anyone has please fill me in on any information or corrections. But I was very happy to find these...
The top two are from the tomb of our pir, Hz. Ahmad el-Kabirul Rifa'i in Iraq

The bottom two are masjid and tomb of Hz. Mehmet Fethel Ma'arifi (Muhammad Fethel Marufi), in the Kartal district of Istanbul. He was the "second founder" of the order, who established this particular branch within the larger Rifa'i tariqa.